Huge Natural Gas discovered in KG-D6 Block by RIL

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  • Monday, May 27, 2013
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  • The Reliance Industries (RIL) along with its partner BP plc of UK discovered a huge natural gas in its Dhirubhai-6 (D-6) Block of Krishna-Godavari Basin (KG Basin). This discovery in the flagging eastern offshore KG-D6 Block is largest ever single discovery in the country. Reliance notified this to the regulatory authorities and named it as D-55.

    They found 155 metres of gas pay zone in the first exploration well drilled on the block and it was drilled two kilometres below the existing producing D1&D3 fields.

    The KGD6-MJ1 well was drilled in a water depth of 1,024 metres and to a total depth of 4,509 metres i.e. 4.5 kilometres below sea bed. The well was drilled to explore the prospectivity of a Mesozoic Synrift Clastic reservoir lying over 2,000 metres below the already producing reservoirs in the Dhirubhai-1 and 3 (D1&D3) gas fields.

    Being the largest among the 18 gas finds on KG-D6 block, the Dhirubhai-1 and 3 (D1&D3) gas fields already proved to be more difficult to produce than previously predicted. D1&D3 reservoir has seen sharper-than-expected drop in pressure and water and sand ingress in production wells, leading to a drop in output.

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