Five years after the landmark Civil Nuclear Agreement, the signing of commercial agreement between Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and Westinghouse Energy of USA is a step in the right direction. The meeting between PM Manmohan Singh and President of USA, Barack Obama which was touted as ‘Nuclear Diplomacy’ by the Firstpost came at a right time when India is grappling for energy. This agreement may help in laying precedence for other countries to start doing nuclear business with India keeping their doubts aside on the liability clause which stalled the process for five years.
It is not clear from the agreement whether Westinghouse accepted the nuclear liability clause of the Nuclear Liability Act, which puts the financial liability on the supplier of nuclear technology in case of an accident. It is also not clear whether NPCIL will use its power of ‘Right to Recourse’, a clause which was cleared by the cabinet just before Dr. Singh’s meeting with Obama. This clause when invoked will allow NPCIL to change the course of action and can let the supplier of technology without any liability.
Under the agreement Westinghouse will construct six reactors each having an energy production capacity of 1000MW. Westinghouse supplies its AP-1000 Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) which is not tested outside US, a cause for concern. Outside US it is being constructed in China but is not yet operational. Land was allotted at Mithivirdi in Gujarat for the construction of the reactors.
The proponents of anti-nuclear energy in the country should look at the energy security and environmental needs of the country and should allow the construction of the reactors to take place. Thermal and hydro powers are causing huge ecological and environmental problems to the country. Though their share of energy production can’t be eliminated but can be stalled by the proliferation of nuclear energy.
As far as government is concerned it has to bring all the stakeholders on board and have to look at their grievances. Already there is an agitation brewing in Gujarat in the places where the land is allotted for construction. People in these places lose their fertile lands and livelihood for the project to take place. Government should take complete care of their rehabilitation and livelihood generation. As nuclear energy is one of the clean energy, it is inevitable for India to go nuclear way.
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