India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 5.4 per cent, 5.2 per cent, 4.7 per cent and 4.8 percent in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of Fiscal Year 2013 according to data released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) today. The GDP for the entire FY13 grew at 5%, which is the lowest of the decade.
Compared to the Fiscal Year 2012 growth rate of 6.2% this year it has been reduced by 1.2%.
Growth rates in various sectors for Q4 of Fiscal Year 2013 are as follows:- ‘agriculture, forestry and fishing’ (1.4 percent), ‘mining and quarrying’ (-3.1 percent), ‘manufacturing’ (2.6 percent), ‘electricity, gas and water supply’ (2.8 percent) ‘construction’ (4.4 percent), 'trade, hotels, transport and communication' (6.2 percent), 'financing, insurance, real estate and business services' (9.1 percent), and 'community, social and personal services' (4.0 percent).
According to the estimates agriculture, forestry and fishing sector in 2012-13 has shown a growth rate of 1.9 percent.
The Trade, hotels and transport sector have registered a growth of 6.4 percent in 2012-13.
In Construction sector the growth is at 4.3 percent in 2012-13. Where as, the aggregate bank deposits and bank credits have shown higher growth of 14.3 percent and 14.2 percent, respectively during 2012-13.
The 'community, social and personal services' sector has shown a growth of 6.6 percent in 2012-13. The growth of ‘mining &quarrying’ is estimated at (-) 0.6 percent (i.e. negative growth or contraction) 2012-13.
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