Public Administration

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  • Friday, August 27, 2010
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  • Prelims
    This subject has become very popular as a prelims optional. The main reasons are:
    • Availability of good coaching and study material
    • Guidance is easy since many seniors opt for it
    • Subject matter is easy to understand
    • Syllabus is quite manageable
    However, a very good score is required as the competition is tough.
    The main source for the prelims is the TMH guide by Laxmikanth(But don’t rely completely on it as this proved undependable from 2006 on wards). It is, of course, a very good compilation from various sources in exam orientation. The preparation should be such that any question based on the material in this book should be answered. The study should be thorough including the various questions given in the book. Since the questions can be factual and can be asked from anywhere, there is need for wide study. But the first effort should be to study TMH thoroughly and the main standard books to gain basic clarity. After that, some time can be spent every day in scanning various material for the additional study matter. Here, you should not spend too much time and also should not read from end to end, but only scan for areas that you have not done before or some new facts.

    • Awasthi and Maheshwari- Public Administration
    • Prasad and Prasad - Thinkers
    • Ramesh Arora - Indian Administration
    • Mohit Bhattacharya - New Horizons in Public Administration.
    • Maheshwari - Indian Administration
    • IGNOU books.
    Practise lots of tests from anywhere you get. Identify the weak areas and focus accordingly.
    • Make a note of the mistakes that you make in the tests and try to rectify them
    • If you do not understand the question, look at the Hindi translation and see if you can gain clarity on whats being asked.
    • Prepare mnemonics sheets to remember various facts. Read them again and again, especially before the exam date.

    Main Examination:
    The advantage and disadvantage of this optional is the huge availability of material. Aspirants waste most of their time searching for the books and material. The secret for success in this optional is writing practice. Unless well practiced, it is not possible to score good marks. So writing skills matter a lot in securing good marks. But with practice it is always possible to improve.
    • The questions might seem indirect and vague, but with good basic clarity any question can be attempted. In recent times, the long questions are being asked directly. The examiner only expects you to write a simple logical answer with clarity.
    • Do not try to remember too many quotations as it is difficult to reproduce.
    • The introduction and conclusions should be written well
    • Do not read all the books from end-to-end. Prepare topic wise in a comprehensive manner. The main priority should be given to gain the basic clarity.
    • Practise the previous years’ papers.
    • Use examples, contemporary relevance, case studies, flow diagrams etc.
    • Read case studies from The Hindu, Frontline, Kurukshetra, Yojana and EPW.
    • While answering Indian Administration questions, answer with respect to Constitution, Preamble, etc and how the issue is in conformity with basic structure.
    Introduction chapter is to be studied well as it deals with the basic evolution of the subject and the trends. The questions might seem difficult. But with good understanding it can be very scoring. The concepts can be used elsewhere also. The material is available on most topics.
    The Theories chapter should be done well. This is a very scoring and with well-defined syllabus preparation can also be comprehensive. The material availability is good.
    The Structure chapter is easy and can be covered quickly. But questions may not be asked every year. The material availability is good.
    The Behaviour chapter is very scoring. The questions are also asked regularly. The material is also good.
    The chapter on Accountability is scoring. This area is important in the contemporary trend. So questions are asked regularly. There is also scope for lot of innovation. The material is deficient for some areas. There is also a need to prepare from current affairs.
    The Administrative Law is very short chapter with limited scope. The questions may not be asked regularly. But it should be attempted if given in exam. It is scoring and the material is also available.
    The administrative reforms chapter is short and easy. It can be scoring with innovations. The material is also standard. Be open to any information that appears in the newspapers.
    The CPA chapter is scoring. It can be attempted in the exam. But questions may not come every year. The material availability is problem in some aspects.
    The DA chapter is relevant to Indian context. So prepare well for this area. The questions are asked almost every year. The material availability is a problem for some areas. Lot of innovation and contemporary relevance can be included.
    The Public policy chapter is not asked every year. The material availability is also a problem.
    The personnel chapter is very scoring and should be attempted. The questions are also asked every year. The material is good. So, do well in this chapter. Check out for latest information in newspapers.
    The Financial chapter is scoring in some areas. There is problem of material in some topics.
    In Indian administration, the scoring areas are: evolution, framework, union, state govt., reforms, law and order, welfare.
    Though a lot of books can be mentioned for this optional but I will mention the standard ones which should suffice.

    1. New Horizons of public administration by Mohit Bhattacharya
    2. Administrative thinkers by prasad and prasad (theories part)
    3. Public Administration by Sharma and Sadana (read administrative law,
    personnel administration, financial administration, development
    administration, comparitive administration and other paper-I topics)
    4. IGNOU material (read public policy)
    5. Public Administration by Avasthi and Maheshwari (read administrative law and administrative reforms)

    1. Indian Administration by Rajini Goyal and Arora (covers most of the
    topics of paper II)
    2. Public Administration by Avasthi and Maheshwari (read public sector)
    3. Indian Administration by Avasthi and Avasthi (read administrative
    reforms, administration of law and order)
    4. Introduction to the constitution of India by D.D.Basu and last but not
    5. Articles from IIPA Journals (aspirants can get Mr.Minocha’s collection of
    articles from IIPA Journals which is sufficient)
    Some topics like welfare administration, administration of law and order
    should be collected while reading newspapers, India yearbook etc.

    Other Books for your interest/reference:
    • Ramesh Arora - Indian Public Administration Comparative Public Administartion
    • Sachdeva - Social welfare administration
    • Public Policy - Sapru
    • Rumki Basu - Public Administration
    • Maheshwari - Indian Administration
    • NCERT books
    • IJPA special edition in1998 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee
    • Social Theory & Development Administration – Mohit
    • CPA – Ramesh Arora

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