Electrical Engineering

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  • Monday, August 30, 2010
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  • Suggested Reading
    1.Electrical Circuits
     a) Electrical Circuits – 1&2by Nasser, Schaum Series
     b) Electrical Circuits by Chakraborty 
     c) Network Analysis by Vanvulkenberg 
     d) Electrical Circuits by Hast & Kimberly, TMH Series.
    2.Electromagnetic Theory a) Field Theory by K.A. Gangadhar b) Electromagnetic Waves by Jordan & Balmian c) Electromagnetic Theory by Saddique, Oxford Publications
    3.Microwaves and Antennas a) Microwaves by Kulakarni b) Microwaves by Liu, PHI Publications c) Electromagnetic Theory by Saddique, Oxford Publications. d) Electromagnetic Waves by Jordan & Balmian.
    4.Analog Communication a) Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, by Simon Haykins. b) Analog and Digital Communications by K. Sam Sanmugam c) Analog and Digital Communications, Schaum Series d) Communication Systems by Kennedy.
    5.Analog Electronics a) Micro electronics by Milliman and Grabel. b) Integrated Electronics by Milliman and Halkius c) Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveforms by Taub abd Schilling d) Op-amps by Roy Chowdhury e) Op-Amps by Gaykwad
    6.Digital Electronics
    a) Digital Design by Morris Mano.
    b) Switching theory and Logical Design by Kohavi.
    c) Digital Electronics by R P Jain.
    7.Electrical Machines
    a) Electrical Machines by P.S. Bhimbra
    b) Generalised theory of Machines by P.S. Bhimbra
    c) Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari
    8.Power electronics and electrical drives
    a) Power Elctronics by P.S.Bhimbra
    b) Power Electronics by Rushid
    c) Electrical Drives by G.K. Dubey
    9.Signals and Systems
    a) Signals and Systems by Oppenheim & Schaber
    b) Digital Signal Processing by Proakis, Maholanakis
    c) Digital Signal Processing by oppenheim & Willsky
    d) Signals and Systems, Schaum Series.

    1.Control Systems
    a) Modern Control Systems by Nagrath and Gopal
    b) Control Systems by B C Kuo.
    2.Electrical Measurements a) Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments by A K Sawhney. b) Electronic Measurements by Cooper & etc., PHI Publications.
    3.Power System Operation & Control a) Power System Analysis by C L Wadhwa b) Power Systems by Nagrath and Kothari c) Power Systems by Ashfaq Hussein d) Modern Power System Analysis by Nagrath e) Power Systems by Sunil S Rao (for topics like RTU, SCADA, FACTS etc.)
    4.Power System Protection
    a) Power System Protection by Badri Ram and Vishwa Karma, TMH
    b) Power Systems by C L Wadhwa
    c) Power Systems by Nagrath and Kothari
    5.Non Conventional Energy resources a) Non-conventional Energy Resources by G.D.Rai, Khanna Publicaions.
    6.IC Fabrication and Technology
    a) Microelectronics by Milliman and Grabel
    b) Linear Integrated Circuits by Roy Chowdhury.
    7.Radar, Satellite and TV
    a) Microwaves by Kulakarni.
    b) Communication Systems by Kennedy.
    c) Satellite Engineering by John Wiley Publications.
    a) 8085Microprocessor by Ramesh S Goankar
    b) 8086 Microprocessor by Hall, TMH Publications.
    9.Fibre Optic Communication
    a) Fibre Optic Communications by Senior, PHI Publications
    10.Digital Communications
    a) Analog & Digital Communications by K Sam Sanmugam
    b) Analog & Digital Communications by Schum Series
    c) Digital Communications by Simon Haykin
    11.Electrical Engineering Materials
    a) Electrical Engineering Materials by Seth & Gupta
    b) Electrical Engineering Materials by Dekker.

    The syllabus of electrical engineering can be classified into three categories. i) Syllabus common to both electrical engineering and electronics
    ii) Electrical engineering subjects
    iii) Electronics engineering subjects
    1st Category
    Paper-1: Electrical Circuits; Signals and Systems; Analog Electronics; Digital Electronics Paper-2: Control Systems; electrical Measurements; Microprocessors; electrical Materials
    2nd Category Paper-1: Electrical Machines; Power Electronics and Drives Paper-2: Power Systems Analysis and Control; Power Systems Protection; Non Conventional Energy Sources
    3rd Category Paper-1: Analog communication; Microwaves and Antennas; EM Theory Paper-2: Radar, Satellite and TV; IC Fabrication; Fibre Optic Communications; Digital Communications
    For Electrical Background Students:
    Paper-1: You have to read two electrical engineering subjects mentioned in 2nd Category and Common subjects mentioned in 1st Category.
    Attempt question numbers 1,2,3,5 and 8. Hence you can attempt (55+55+60+55+60=) 285 marks. If you can read EM Theory also, then you can attempt (60+60+60+55+60=) 295 marks. Due to paucity of time in the exam, you may not be able to attempt more than 250 marks. If one is hard pressed for time, one can leave Signals and Systems. Even then one can attempt 265 marks.
    Therefore the priority of subjects must be as follows:
    1) Electrical Circuits
    2) Electrical Machines
    3) Power Electronics
    4) Analog Electronics
    5) Digital Electronics
    If you have time, then read Signals and Systems & EM Theory. If you don’t have time, then read the first 3 subjects above and still you can attempt 220 marks.
    Paper-2 We have to read three Electrical Engineering subjects mentioned in 2nd Category and four subjects mentioned in 1st Category. In addition read IC Fabrication as it is a small subject.
    Attempt questions numbers 1,2,3,5 and 8. You can attempt (60+60+60+60+60=) 300 marks. If you are hard pressed for time, read only 4 subjects (Control Systems, Power Systems Analysis and Control, Power Systems Protection and Non Conventional Energy Sources) and you can attempt (40+60+40+20+60=) 220 marks. If possible then read electrical materials, IC Fabrication and Electrical Measurements. Then you
    can attempt (60+60+60+60+60=) 300 marks. Therefore the priority of subjects must
    be as follows:
    1) Control Systems
    2) Power Systems Analysis and Control
    3) Power Systems Protection
    4) Non Conventional Energy Sources
    5) Electrical Materials
    6) IC Fabrication
    7) Electrical Measurements
    8) Microprocessors
    My Experience 2005 Attempt: I attempted around 219 marks in paper 1 and I got 180 marks. I attempted around 270 marks in Paper 2 and I got 188 marks.
    2006 attempt: I attempted around 253 marks in paper 1 and I got 200 marks. I attempted around 260 marks in Paper 2 and I got 195 Marks.
    For Electronics Engineering Background Students: Paper 1: We have to read three Electronics Engineering subjects mentioned in 3rd Category (Analog Communication, Microwaves and Antennas and EM Theory) and Common subjects mentioned in 1st Category (Electrical Circuits, Signals and Systems, Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics).
    Attempt question numbers 1,4,5,6 and 7. We can attempt (60+60+60+60+60=) 300 marks. If one is hard pressed for time, one can leave Signals and Systems & EM Theory. Even then one can attempt 265 marks.
    Therefore the priority of subjects must be as follows:
    1) Electrical Circuits
    2) Analog Communication
    3) Microwaves and Antennas
    4) Analog Electronics
    5) Digital Electronics
    6) EM Theory and
    7) Signals and Systems
    If one doesn’t have much time, prepare only 4 subjects (Elctrical Circuits, Analog Communication, Microwaves and Antennas and EM Theory) and still can attempt 220 marks.
    Paper –2:
    We have to read four Electronic engineering subjects mentioned in 3rd Category (Radar, Satellite and TV, IC Fabrication, Fibre Optic Communications and Digital
    Communications) and three subjects mentioned in 1st Category (Microprocessors,
    Electrical Measurements and Electrical Materials).
    Attempt question numbers 1,4,5,6 and 7. The n you can attempt (40+60+60+60+60=)
    280 marks. Therefore the priority of subjects must be as follows:
    1) Radar, Satellite and TV
    2) Digital Communications
    3) IC Fabrication
    4) Fibre Optic Communications
    5) Electrical Materials
    6) Electrical Measurements and
    7) Microprocessors
    For preliminary exam, practice previous question papers.

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