Civil Engineering

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  • Monday, August 30, 2010
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  • Suggested Reading:

    Strength of material-- Gere and Timoshenko Concrete Technology-- M.S. Shetty
    R.C.C.(WSM)-- Shyal and Goyal
    R.C.C.(LSM)-- A.K. Jain Steel Structure-- L.S. Negi Soil Mechanics-- K.R. Arora Fluid Mechanics-- Modi & Seth Theory of Structure (Vol - II)-- Vazirani and Ratwani Irrigation Engineering-- S.K. Garg
    Prestress Concrete-- N. Krishna Rajee Engineering Hydrology-- K. Subramanya

    1.Selection of books: It is advisable not to go through a lot of books, instead go through one quality book on each topic which clarifies your basic concept. Standard books not only save your precious time but also guide you as a perfect teacher. So always rely on standard good books.

    2.Emphasis on Numericals: As the question paper consists of a sizeable number of numericals, due emphasis advisable. Select topics that are frequently asked under the numerical head. Also go through the solved/unsolved numerical examples of any standard book. Needless to say that numericals handled tactfully can pay you high dividends.

    3.Importance of related IS-codes: The related IS-codes form an important part of your paper so learn all the IS-codes by heart. One, therefore must follow the related IS codes for design. Some important codes are: For RC.C.- IS - 456 - 1978, For steel -IS . 800 - 1984.

    4.Draw neat diagrams to fetch good marks: Neat and clean diagrams at once catches the attention of examiner and it also proves very useful for detailing purposes. So always emphasis on neat and clear diagrams so as to catch hold the attention of the examiner at once and fetch good marks.

    5.Prefer you own notes: It is always advisable to make notes of the related topics. A well crafted notes solves two purposes. On the one hand the aspirant goes through the syllabus once and on the other hand it is of immense help on the eve of examination.

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